Friday, September 21, 2012

Voter Harassment, Circa 2012

The link below is an editorial written by New York Times on September 21, 2012. This article was very informing in the sense that the same discrimination and set-backs that were happening over 50 years ago are still going on today. When we think of going to vote the thought that somebody, in this day and age, stopping us from doing so is incomprehensible. A Tea Party group called "True to Vote" was at the polls in 2010 claiming that citizens were providing false information to the government. They challenged the citizens and made the lines long and relentless. Many voters turned around and walked out. The fact that many people are not voting because others are harassing them is a huge problem. The government set up The Voting Rights Act in 1965 and they are still in use today, but it is hard to enforce them unless law enforcement is going to take a stand. This article definitely lets the reader know what to look for when going to vote.