Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gun Control Laws in the Election

Published on October 18th 2012, The Issue That Goes Ignored is an editorial written by the New York Times. The issue that the editorial is assuming is ignored is the lack of gun control laws in the United States. The issue was brought up at the debate and very nicely skated around, the canidates saying that they would like to discuss the issue at a later time. Obama who said at the beginning of his presidency that he would renew the law that expired in 2004, has yet to hold up to that responisbilty. The author's intended audience being the general public (or public interested in politics) wanted to stir up emotions and views on the national gun control laws. The New York Times is one of the public information sights that has not succumbed to the infotainment industry and is definitely a trusted source of information. The author provides much evidence to about the control laws, saying that they are being loosened instead of stengthened. Though the author provides great facts about the nation's security, I do not agree with the author's views or standpoint. I feel that it is a person's individual preference to carry a gun or not. We live in a world where whether or not you have a gun license, a gun is easily accessible. There are certain rules and laws that govern who can own or buy a gun but it is still possible for people who do not qualify with those laws to get a gun. So instead of having laws where no guns are allowed, we should spend time and money enforcing the laws that are already in place to keep people who shouldn't have guns without them. I do agree that the topic should be talked about, but wasting our time in the presidential debate about guns is not necessary, nor relevant to who is 'fit' to be the president of our nation.

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